Why you should include storytelling in your sales strategy
Mar 31, 2021 Aneta Pejcinoska
3 min readHow can something as simple as storytelling impact the sales strategy? By some recent studies, people are more receptive to stories than any other type of communication. Stories are something that people want and tend to remember. Even better, they like to tell them to other people.
From storytelling to successful sales strategy
In the following, you will find out the main reasons why you should implement the storytelling into the sales strategy!
Stories are easy to remember
You probably still remember the stories you’ve heard as a kid. I sure do. Maybe this is the most important reason to give them a try in your sales strategy. There are many different companies that will try to compete with you. The stakes are high, so you need to be original and creative. When talking to the customer, try to make a clean, neat image in your client's head. Get them interested, make their experience one of a kind!
Get the emotions involved
It’s not just talking. Stories are there to make the person feel something. With a few simple sentences, you can make a person happy, sad, angry, inspired, interested… that’s what you aim for in this storytelling strategy of yours. By rising emotions, you bring the client closer to the experience. We’ve all seen this before in commercials. By triggering our emotions, they convince us to buy their products. The customer feels the whole process more personal to him. That makes your chances of success greater.
Make your client inspired
Like we’ve already mentioned, they arise emotions in people. And every story needs its hero. You need to make your client the person that saves the day. By doing so, you're giving them the impression that their needs and wants matter the most to you. Usually, you need to bring out the positive emotions in customers, get them curious, and afterward- make them inspired to take action. That way, your strategy is a complete success!
Make storytelling effective in sales strategy
We’ve answered the WHY. Now it’s time for the HOW. So, how to make storytelling effective? Let’s be honest, to tell someone a story is the easiest thing. You can make it up in a matter of seconds. But in your sales strategy, the story needs to be quick and effective, not just some random sentences without a goal. Here are few quick tips on that:
- Stick with a shorter version of the story, that will arise the curiosity.
- Don’t go too much into detail the first time, wait for the customer to ask questions.
- The story needs to have a valid point.
- Don’t bother with numbers and statistics, if there are any at all.
- Make sure that the story is connected to the potential client.
- Know the message that your story carries, and make sure that the customer gets it.
We’ve covered the most important parts of why you should implement storytelling in your sales strategy. By now, you should be completely aware of the impact that a story can have on a person. Be sure to get the best story possible, make the client curious and interested in what you have to offer. Afterward, use the short tips mentioned above. Be original and stand out from the crowd. The competition has nothing on you, once you have a strong sales strategy.
See how storytelling can impact your sales strategy greatly.